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Brian Banet


Agriculture is a cornerstone on which our country was built. In 1930, 24.8% of our nation's population lived on the 6,295,000 American farms. Over the past eighty years however, these numbers have decreased to the point where less than 1% of the approximate 313,000,000 American citizens operate our 2,200,000 farms.

The work ethic necessary to operate American farms and ranches over the years has been well chronicled. Our country's agricultural work force has been referred to as the "backbone" on which this nation was built. As the number of farms decreased in the 1960's and 1970's, multiple non-agricultural employers sought to hire workers with farm and ranch backgrounds due to their penchant for diligence and productivity.

Assisting America's Farmers and Ranchers to This Day

Throughout the twenty-five year history of American Farm Mortgage & Financial Services, we have been blessed with the opportunity to assist America's farmers and ranchers with their financing needs. Our parent company, Legence Bank, located in Eldorado, IL, has also served agricultural producers since its formation in 1906.

Our experience assisting producers with a diverse range of farm products is very beneficial to both customers and prospects. Our current customers include, but are not limited to: New York dairies, Michigan apple growers, Illinois corn producers, Nevada hay farmers, California almond farmers and Hawaii turmeric operations. The multiplicity in products raised by our customers allows us to more easily understand the challenges faced by prospective clients in comparison to most lenders in the industry.

We Understand Your Challenges

The Greek philosopher Heraclitus once said, "The Only Thing that is Constant is Change." This quote is certainly applicable in today's agricultural world. Over the past thirty years, the pace of change has been almost dizzying. Today's technology provides immediate access to management information that was previously not available. This data provides the opportunity to fine tune the decision process in order to maximize profits.

However, the cost to access this information when coupled with today's rising farm and ranch overhead costs make it imperative for producers to understand their risks. In today's complex agricultural environment, farmers and ranchers who have dealt with a financial partner who understands their challenges will readily agree it has lessened their stress as it relates to their financing needs.

At American Farm Mortgage & Financial Services, we utilize our team's experience — and the knowledge acquired in many facets of farm and ranch financing — to provide customized solutions to producers throughout the United States.